Sewer Pipe Service 

If your sewer pipes have stopped draining properly, or you are having an pipe repair emergency in San Diego, then call us right now!

We provide a free video camera drain inspection that identifies pipe damage and obstructions that inhibit proper flow or create occasional or repeated backups. The cameras also verify that obstructions have been eliminated and that the lines are clean following service. Video gives you a real-time visual inspection.

Sewer Repair in San Diego

It is the homeowner’s responsiblity
for sewer and pipe repairs under the city streets…

As a homeowner, you are required to maintain the lateral from your home to the main sewer line, typically located in the street or the nearby easement. You must keep the  lateral line flowing which means it must be flowing and free of debris like roots or grease. The sewer laterals are owned entirely by the private property owner the lines serve. These lateral sewer lines usually range from 4 to 6 inches in diameter and direct wastewater away from the home or business to a public wastewater collection and treatment facility.

The owner of the home the lateral supplies is responsible for the entire length of that lateral sewer line, which even includes the portion that may be located within the public right of way(meaning that it could be located under the asphalt and landscaping that is public. As a homeowner you must provide maintenance and operation to the lateral line. That means if you are in need if an emergency sewer or emergency pipe repair in San Diego, you need someone you can trust. We can help you with  proper cleaning, repair and replacement if necessary. If you are looking for trenchless sewer replacement, hydro jetting or an emergency repair, give our talented team a call today! We have people standing by 24/7 to take your call.

Call Us! Get Your Free Video Inspection Today

Our experienced team is standing by ready to help your plumbing needs.